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Coffee & Climate: Complete Streets

Online Zoom Room

On Friday, March 10th from 9am - 10am the One Climate Future team was joined by Jean Sideris of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine to discuss the complete streets concept that takes into consideration all modes of travel in transportation design. Staff from Portland and South Portland shared the many projects underway to improve walking, […]

Coffee & Climate: Sharing Economy and Electric Tools

Online Zoom Room

  On Friday, April 14th from 10AM - 11AM the One Climate Future team was joined by Dr. Brieanne Berry, an economic & environmental anthropologist and current Assistant Professor at Ursinus College,  to discuss Maine’s vibrant reuse economy and the environmental, social, and economic benefits that second-hand and sharing can contribute to our communities. The […]

Coffee and Climate: Gulf of Change

New England Ocean Cluster/the Hús 68 Commercial Street, Portland, ME, United States

Gulf of Change A Discussion on Climate Change and Resiliency in Maine's Aquaculture Industry In this installment of Entrepreneurship in the Blue Economy, the New England Ocean Cluster collaborated with One Climate Future to host a panel discussion on climate resilience in Maine’s aquaculture industry and the opportunities to develop sustainable and resilient local food […]

Maine’s Offshore Wind Roadmap: Charting the Course

Online Zoom Room

Offshore wind presents a generational economic and energy opportunity for Maine. As an abundant source of clean and renewable energy, offshore wind has the potential to help free Maine from its over-reliance on fossil fuels and to curb climate-altering emissions & protect our state’s environment for future generations. The Governor’s Energy Office knows that Maine […]

Coffee and Climate: Sustainability in the Arts

Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square, Portland, ME, United States

On June 16th, the One Climate Future team hosted June's Coffee and Climate Event at the Portland Museum of Art to discuss Sustainability in the Arts. Mike Brown and Graeme Kennedy from the Portland Museum of Art shed light on how galleries like the PMA work towards sustainable practices and how artists are able to […]

Coffee and Climate: Plastics and Producer Responsibility

The One Climate Future team celebrated Plastic Free July on Friday, July 14th from 8 - 9AM at the Tandem Coffee Roasters - Cafe & Roastery, aka “Little Tandem”, at 122 Anderson Street in Portland. Together Vanessa Berry, Sustainable Maine Outreach Coordinator from the Natural Resources Council of Maine, Laura Marston, Founder of Go-Go Refill, […]